Continuing the Conversation on Truth and Reconciliation
What: Watch the film together and discuss (see below), led by Dr. Heather Bensler (Assistant Dean and Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing)
When: Feb 25th, immediately after the morning service (around 11:15am)
Where: At the church, in classroom #2
“Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen lands, Strong Hearts” is a film about a devastating decision, made over 500 years ago, which continues to profoundly impact Indigenous and Settler people worldwide. Pope Alexander VI ruled that the lands being discovered by European explorers at the time was “empty” land and its millions of Indigenous inhabitants were “non-human”, thus paving the way for colonization of North America. This film is one of the responses of the Anglican Church’s Primate’s Commission on Discovery, Reconciliation and Justice. The purpose of this film is to respond to the 94 TRC calls to action by helping to provide education and insight into the troubling foundations of many of our property and other laws still in existence to this day.
Join us to watch the film together and discuss how we can respond as Christians to our history and our responsibilities moving forward.