• To Start...

    Ash Wednesday Service

    To start things off, there is a low-key introductory Ash Wednesday service you are able to view online at your convenience.

    An FMCIC National Prayer & Fasting Initiative (March 2 – Thursday, April 14)

    Lent is an ancient tradition of the Church which, when practiced with a right heart and not just as a religious duty, can be a significant spiritual experience. Imagine the Church globally, setting aside 40 days to remember Jesus' sacrifice, love, promises, AND examine our own lives to repent and pursue reconciliation in all of our relationships? Imagine if the FMCiC decided to commit to 40 days to remember, pray, fast, repent and reconcile - 40 days with a national desire to hear from God and be responsive!?!

    You will find material for the month here.

  • Movies for Lent

    As we anticipate the forthcoming season of Lent, I wanted to invite you and any who might be interested in your faith communities, to participate in a 7 week Lenten journey curated by myself (Rev. Jason Tripp) and Rev. Adam Kline.

    As our nifty new FMCiC logo visually reminds us, we can and do connect and commune with God through engagement with Scripture as well the wider creation.

    Recognizing God speaks through both Scripture and a variety of other grace channels, including the arts, Adam and myself are excited to facilitate a 7 week "Movies for Lent" journey.

    We have intentionally selected 7 films which specifically dovetail with and echo the weekly Lenten themes in the lectionary.

    Every Wednesday evening (8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific) beginning on Ash Wednesday, we will be hosting an online meetup via Zoom where we can be mutually encouraged and challenged as we discuss the Scriptures and films of the week together.

    There is no cost nor obligation to participate each week. We simply want to extend an invitation to our FMCiC family to join us on this journey in this most holy of seasons.

    We look forward to having you join us at the (virtual) table.

    Grace and peace,

    Jason Tripp

    Check out the Facebook group for more details.

  • @WSC

    Sunday Services

    Our Sunday services will be a bit different throughout Lent as we enter into The Beautiful Gospel: A Lenten Journey. We look forward to worshiping together with our larger FMCiC community during this season. Please see attached picture for more information.

    Good Friday Service

    Please join us on April 15 at 10am at the church to remember, reflect, and receive communion together.


    Some music to add to your Lenten experience:
